Export publication quality images

Hi Mantid team,

I was trying to find a way to export publication quality images from Mantid. My graphs are 3d (ie two axes and a colour bar) and all three axes contain useful information. I tried SaveAscii but spectrum numbers are not very useful in this case I’m afraid and I am not sure if there are programs that read the particular way the data is saved (ie one point on the ‘y-axis’ and then the ‘x-z line’).
I tried plotting the image in either Colourfillplot or sliceviewer but sliceviewer has no options and the image is poor quality and export in colorfillplot has some options but the image is again poor quality (at least 300dpi are needed for publications), eps would be the ideal choice (another vector format would do) but the image comes out as a black square only.
Ideally I would like a way to script plotting the images and then exporting them with the parameters of choice (like in Matlab, I have dozens to do), but a ‘clicky’ way would also be very useful (like in origin) where you can set the required parameters to get high quality images (you would also need to be able to edit things like axis labels etc.). I’d be really grateful if you could point me into the right direction on how to go about this.



Hi Nina,

Your best bet at the moment is to use matplotlib. I have concocted the script below based on http://matplotlib.org/examples/misc/rasterization_demo.html. I have created a test workspace where you can hopefully see you would need to replace yours. This will both display the plot and save it to an eps with the chosen dpi.

    import mantid
    from mantid.simpleapi import *
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        mplcmd = gui_cmd 
    except NameError:
        def mplcmd(callable, *args, **kwargs):
            return callable(*args, **kwargs)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Save a figure as filename
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def CreateFigure3D(wksp, title, xlabel, ylabel,
                       rasterized=False, aspect='auto'):
        # prepare data for treatment by matplotlib
        # Signal values (really the Z axis)
        intensity = wksp.extractY()
        xmin, xmax = wksp.readX(0)[0], wksp.readX(0)[-1]
        xstep = wksp.readX(0)[1] - xmin
        x = np.arange(xmin, xmax + xstep/2.,xstep)
        ymin, ymax = wksp.getAxis(1).getMin(), wksp.getAxis(1).getMax()
        ystep = wksp.getAxis(1).getValue(1) - ymin
        y = np.arange(ymin, ymax + ystep/2.,ystep)
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        fig, ax1 = mplcmd(plt.subplots, 1, 1)
        cmesh = mplcmd(ax1.pcolormesh, xx, yy, intensity)
        return fig
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Show a figure compatible with MantidPlot
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def ShowFigure(figure):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Save a figure as filename
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def SaveFigure(figure, filename, dpi=600):
        figure.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create a test workspace for demo - replace with actual workspace
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ws = CreateSimulationWorkspace(Instrument='MAR',BinParams='-20,0.5,30')
    ws *= 0
    ws += 1
    sofqw = SofQW(ws, QAxisBinning='0,0.1,10',Emode='Direct',EFixed=60)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create figure
    fig = CreateFigure3D(sofqw, xlabel='Energy transfer (meV)',
                         ylabel='Q ($\AA^{-1}$)', title='Testing Plot',
                         rasterized=False, aspect='auto')
    # To display the plot:
    # To save to file
    SaveFigure(fig, filename='test_save3d.eps', dpi=600)

Let me know if that’s not what you need.

1 Like

Hi Martyn,

Thanks very much, this is very helpful. I have slightly modified your script to allow the z- (colour-)scale to be log. For this I had to carry out some checks as many of the detectorpixels will have 0.0 intensity.
In addition I added a modification that allows to specify the limits of the three axes:

import mantid
from mantid.simpleapi import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
    mplcmd = gui_cmd 
except NameError:
    def mplcmd(callable, *args, **kwargs):
        return callable(*args, **kwargs)

# Reset data suitable for logscale plotting
def ResetDataForLogscale(data,min=1e-20):
    # logconversion will fail for 0.0 and negative numbers
    #find out where logconversion will fail
    isokforlogscale = np.log(data)
    isokforlogscale = np.isfinite(isokforlogscale) # True if log worked, False otherwise
    # replace data points where logconversion fails with positive, finite minimum value 
    dataforlogscale = np.where(isokforlogscale,data,[min])
    return dataforlogscale

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save a figure as filename
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def CreateFigure3D(wksp, xlabel, ylabel,
                   rasterized=False, aspect='auto', xmin = None, xmax = None, ymin = None, ymax = None, zmin = None,  zmax = None, logz = False, logmin = 1e-20):
    # prepare data for treatment by matplotlib 
    # Signal values (really the Z axis)
    intensity = wksp.extractY()
    if logz: intensity = ResetDataForLogscale(intensity,logmin)
    if not zmin: zmin = intensity.min()
    if not zmax: zmax = intensity.max()
    # x- and y-axes   
    data_xmin, data_xmax = wksp.readX(0)[0], wksp.readX(0)[-1]
    #xmin, xmax = wksp.readX(0)[0], wksp.readX(0)[-1]
    xstep = wksp.readX(0)[1] - data_xmin
    x = np.arange(data_xmin, data_xmax + xstep/2.,xstep)
    data_ymin, data_ymax = wksp.getAxis(1).getMin(), wksp.getAxis(1).getMax()
    ystep = wksp.getAxis(1).getValue(1) - data_ymin
    y = np.arange(data_ymin, data_ymax + ystep/2.,ystep)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    fig, ax1 = mplcmd(plt.subplots, 1, 1)
    if logz:
        norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax)
        norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax)
    cmesh = mplcmd(ax1.pcolormesh, xx, yy, intensity,norm = norm)
    for limit,data_limit in ((xmin, data_xmin), (xmax, data_xmax), (ymin, data_ymin), (ymax,data_ymax)):
        if not limit: limit = data_limit
    ax1.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax1.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
    return fig
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show a figure compatible with MantidPlot
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ShowFigure(figure):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save a figure as filename
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def SaveFigure(figure, filename, dpi=600):
    figure.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, format="pdf")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a test workspace for demo - replace with actual workspace
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ws = CreateSimulationWorkspace(Instrument='MAR',BinParams='-20,0.5,30')
#ws *= 0
#ws += 1
#sofqw = SofQW(ws, QAxisBinning='0,0.1,10',Emode='Direct',EFixed=60)

# load the example workspace somehow
#example = LoadISISNexus("example_ws.nxs")

example = mtd['example_ws']

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create figure
fig = CreateFigure3D(example, xlabel='$Q_x\, [\AA^{-1}]$',
                     ylabel='$Q_z \,[\AA^{-1}]$',
                    rasterized=False, aspect='auto', logz = True,xmin = -0.00055, xmax = 0.00055, zmax=5e-4,zmin=5e-8)

# To display the plot:                    
# To save to file
SaveFigure(fig, filename='test_save3d.pdf', dpi=600)

# to periodically clean the memory, matplotlib retains a reference to the figures even after they have been closed