It would be helpful to add a single contour with variable Z height to SliceViewer. Scrubbing a slider to change the contour value gives a quick check that data is not obscured due to the choice of colormap, particularly in high dynamic range or noisy data.
I’ve mocked up an example of the sort of thing I’d like below in workbench 4.1.
# The following line helps with future compatibility with Python 3
# print must now be used as a function, e.g print('Hello','World')
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)
# import mantid algorithms, numpy and matplotlib
from mantid.simpleapi import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
import numpy as np
iris_qs = np.array ([0.441681334, 0.483671882, 0.525249485, 0.566709615, 0.607871243, 0.648712688,
0.68905912, 0.729197261, 0.768800911, 0.808151513, 0.847076439, 0.885409749,
0.923423859, 0.96080983, 0.997833347, 1.034331276, 1.070284393, 1.105540291,
1.140349517, 1.174558088, 1.208021461, 1.240977444, 1.273158206, 1.304792439,
1.335739401, 1.36598279, 1.3953958, 1.424187456, 1.45212377, 1.47940327, 1.505903526,
1.531610579, 1.556417755, 1.580501346, 1.603752442, 1.626075215, 1.647628302, 1.668313535,
1.688046387, 1.70696709, 1.724921875, 1.74203834, 1.758237222, 1.77350999, 1.787795858,
1.80114719, 1.81360256, 1.825102652, 1.835641411, 1.845178726, 1.853782376])
hbar = 0.0006582119514
# time constant in ns
Tau = 0.164575
# 1/time constant in meV
T = 1/Tau * hbar
#jump length in Angstrom
l = 10
def fwhm(qlist = iris_qs):
""" Return dictionary of broadenings for list of Q according to Chudley Elliot """
out = [(1/Tau) * (1-((np.sin(q*l))/(q*l))) for q in qlist]
def EISF(qlist = iris_qs, r = 1.2):
""" Return dictionary of simplified peak intensity with Q for 3-fold jump """
out = [(1.0/3.0)*(1+2*((np.sqrt(3)*q*r)**-1*np.sin(np.sqrt(3)*q*r))) for q in qlist]
ce = fwhm()
eisf = EISF()
xs = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
x0 = 0
ss = []
for (q) in sorted(ce):
b = ce[q] * eisf[q]
ss += [(1/np.pi)* (0.5*b/((x-x0)**2+(0.5*b)**2))for x in xs]
print (len(xs))
print (len(ss))
example = CreateWorkspace(DataX = xs, DataY = ss, NSpec=51, UnitX = "Energy")
X = example.readX(0)
Y = iris_qs
x,y = np.meshgrid(X,Y)
z = example.extractY()
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# move bottom up to make room for slider
# plot
surface = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap=cm.viridis, alpha =0.5, antialiased=True)
# create slider
axamp = plt.axes([0.05, 0.15, 0.85, 0.03])
zcontour = Slider(axamp, 'S', np.amin(z), np.amax(z), np.mean(z))
# plot initial contour value
contour1 = ax.contour(x, y, z, levels =[np.mean(z)], cmap=cm.Oranges, linewidths=1)
# What to do when the slider is moved
def update(val):
#delete current contour
amp = zcontour.val
contourl = ax.contour(x, y, z, levels =[amp], cmap=cm.Oranges, linewidths=1)