Building mantid - RedHat based system


I have successufuly built mantid and various custom plugins on my Ubuntu 14.04 system. I have a deployment requirement of installing on a red hat based system. I am unable to successfully follow the instructions here

Could you provide some help?
These are the steps I have taken.

  1. I have installed Fedora 19.
  2. yum install dnf* - seems ok
  3. yum install yum-plugin-copr - No package yum-plugin-copr


What am I missing? Could you recommend an officially supported Fedora or Centos version?



Hi Derek
Although we don’t officially support fedora, there are some of us on the developer team that use Fedora as our main systems. The first thing is that we generally only use and test the fedora versions that are currently supported by the fedora project itself, so at this time that is Fedora 23 and 24. If you can upgrade (or do a fresh install) then I would recommend it, not just for installing mantid, but because you will get security patches and updates.

If you have a Fedora 23/24 system, then it should be a case of ‘sudo dnf copr enable mantid/mantid’ and then ‘sudo dnf install mantid-developer’

If you don’t explicitly require Fedora, then we do officially support RHEL 7 (Centos should work identically). In this case, just put the repo file ( in your /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory, then ‘yum install mantid-developer’ should pull in all the dependencies.

Let me know how you get on


Thanks for the reply…

Latest output on fresh Fedora 24.

‘sudo dnf copr enable mantid/mantid’ - OK

‘sudo dnf install mantid-developer’ - Error nothing provides hdf-devel.



I just tried with a completely new install of fedora 24
‘sudo dnf install mantid-developer’
Error: nothing provides rpmfusion-nonfree-release needed by mantid-developer-1.18-1.fc24.noarch

Ok I resolved the rpmfusion issues manually.
The mantid-developer setup appears complete.

thanks for your help
