The latest release of numpy (1.22.4) has caused an import issue in some of our Bayes algorithms. Please avoid installing numpy v1.22.4 inside your conda development enviornments while we work on a fix. For the time being, we have updated the numpy pinning in our mantid-developer developer environment files:
- h5py>=2.10.0,<3 # Pinned back due to api differences
- hdf5=1.10.*
- ipykernel<6 # Added as hard dependency only to deal with an issue with ipykernel v6 and incompatibility with qtconsole/workbench, was previously a soft dependency that was allowed to update to v6 by qtconsole, at present it stops workbench from loading.
- jemalloc>=5.2.1
- jsoncpp>=1.9.4,<2
- librdkafka>=1.6.0
- matplotlib=3.5.*
- muparser>=2.3.2
- nexus=4.4.*
- ninja>=1.10.2
- numpy>=1.20.2, <1.22.4
- occt>=7.4.0
- pip>=21.0.1
- poco=1.10.*
- psutil>=5.8.0
- pycifrw==4.4.1 # Force to 4.4.1 as later versions cause issues with loading CIF files
- pyqt>=5.12.3,<6
- python-dateutil>=2.8.1
- python=3.8.*
- pyyaml>=5.4.1
- qscintilla2>=2.11.2
and our conda-build recipe:
- zlib
- pip
- openssl {{ openssl }}
- {{ pin_compatible("boost", max_pin="x.x") }}
- {{ pin_compatible("gsl", max_pin="x.x") }}
- h5py
- {{ pin_compatible("hdf5", max_pin="x.x") }}
- lib3mf # [win]
- nexus
- numpy >={{ numpy }},<=1.22.3|>=1.23
- {{ pin_compatible("occt", max_pin="x.x.x") }}
- python
- python-dateutil
- pyyaml
- scipy
- openssl {{ openssl }}
license: GPL-3.0-or-later