Expected behavior
Interfaces>Indirect>Diffraction gives a dialog box to enter run numbers with a tick box for “Sum Sample Files”
This should sum the files and return 1 diffraction pattern from the summed files titled “RunNo_multi_diffspec_red”
Actual behavior
Produces multiple diffraction patterns from inidvidual runs titled “RunNo_multi_diffspec_red”
Steps to reproduce the behavior
Instrument: IRIS, Analyser: diffraction, Reflection: diffspec
Run Numbers 76342, 76343
Sum Sample Files -ticked
Press run - get 76342_ multi_diffspec_red and 76343_multi_diffspec_red workspaces produced.
Untick Sum Sample Files and re-run
76342_diffspec_red and 76343_diffspec_red are produced. These are identical to 76342_ multi_diffspec_red and 76343_multi_diffspec_red
Platforms affected
Mantid 3.11.0 on windows 7 pro. Not tested elsewhere.