Loadnexusmonitors - Muon v2 files


Attempting to load monitor data from a Muon v2 file gives an error:

LoadNexusMonitors started
Error in execution of algorithm LoadNexusMonitors:
//isis/inst$/NDXMUSR/Instrument/data/cycle_16_4/MUSR00062002.nxs does not contain any monitors

It would be good if we could load these as histograms,


I loaded the file //isis/inst$/NDXMUSR/Instrument/data/cycle_16_4/MUSR00062002.nxs and find it has no monitors and hence the error in LoadNexusMonitors would occur.

I see that LoadNexusMonitors has options concerning event and histograms not available in LoadNexus. Is this the issue you are now concerned about?


Hi Karl,

No, but the ‘_v2’ file does have,


I’ve tried some more loading and I find that Mantid cannot load a ‘_v2’ file directly and may ignore it when loading the ‘.nxs’ file.