My OSX build fails, probably because the geometry cache building takes too long

I am trying to write a new algorithm to load data for the position sensitive detector at DNS.

The OSX build fails:

10:50:28  772/2511 Test  #982: DataHandlingTest_LoadDNSEventTest ............................................................................................................***Timeout 300.06 sec
10:50:28 Running 9 tests...LoadDNSEvent-[Notice] LoadDNSEvent started
10:50:28 InstrumentDefinitionParser-[Notice] Geometry cache is not available
10:50:28 InstrumentDefinitionParser-[Notice] Creating cache in /Users/builder/.mantid/instrument/geometryCache/DNS-PSD03880f4077f70955e27452d25f5225b2327af287.vtp

I am not sure how to fix this, the instrument is large it has 131072 detectors.
I think the test might be failing just because it takes too long to create the geometry cache?
Or maybe something is wrong with the instrument definition file, but instrument view is working fine locally.

Would be great if somebody could have a look at it.

One of our developers at ISIS came across this problem too! The solution was to upload a .vtp file with the geometry cached which sped things up. They used this file in a test on these lines:

Tell me if that works for you or if you need any help!