I can’t seem to use any Mantid specific functions within the script editor in MantidPlot on Windows 7
I have set the python path as suggested here: http://www.mantidproject.org/File:MantidInPython.png
I’ve tried the following imports:
from mantidplot import *
from mantid import *
from mantid.simpleapi import *
If I try to import mantid from a python shell in the command prompt, I get the following:
>>>from mantid.simpleapi import *
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "c:\MantidInstall\bin\mantid\__init__.py", line 73, in <modu
import mantid.kernel as kernel
File "c:\MantidInstall\bin\mantid\kernel\__init__.py", line 14, i
from ._kernel import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
I’m not sure what’s going wrong here.
Actually, it turns out most functions are accessible but some (such as mtdHelp() and setWorkingDirectory() ) are not.
In the script editor within Mantidplot most of those import are included automatically, you only need those if you are using pure python outside of Mantidplot.
Yes, I thought this also so I tried no import statements at all as well and the functions still raise a NameError.
Hi Tom,
Those functions are actually no longer available and existed in version 1 of our python package a few years ago. Have you found a reference to them somewhere?
Their equivalent is just standard Python functions:
→ help()
→ os.chdir()
(this will require import os
at the top of the file)
Ah I see, that makes sense.
Yes, here’s the reference: http://www.mantidproject.org/Learning_Python
Cheers Martyn,
Thanks for pointing me to that. It’s page that has missed being updated. We’ll sort it out.
I have added a redirect to Introduction To Python - Mantid Project as this is our much more up to date training course along with the other courses that are linked from the main https://www.mantidproject.org/ under the quickstart section.
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