I am a new User trying to analyze Inelastic Scattering Data using Mantid Peak Fitting Capabilities.
The data was sliced and exported using the NIST DAVE M-slice interface. The .grp files were successfully loaded into Mantid. I have loaded the filed that represent the Vanadium Data that should be converted into a resolution function for later convolution with other fit functions used with the sample data.
How do I convert the Vanadium Workspace data to a resolution function that can be used with Sequential Fitting of QENS Peaks?
Option 1: Fit Gaussian + Linear Background to each q value in the Vanadium File save as individual fits and pass sigma (widths) manually to each data file q value.
Additionally, When I try to use the Sequential Fitting Script I receive a Ploterror. Does anyone know who to fix this?
When I use the raw vanadium data the count intensity for the elastic component is much greater than sample peak. Is there a way to scale te resolution function?
Hi So I have tries to use the Delta function for scaling and I receive an Error.
Also the online instructions say to chose General=>Convolution as a function option but that is not a function option on his new version of MANTID.
Anyway I chose to upload the data file as a resolution function and then added a Delta function but it does not have an affect on the resolution function. When I hover over the coefficients for the Delta function it display in yellow highlight “value used to scale resolution (error).”
My operating system is a MAC, but this has to do with MANTID not noticing the uploaded resolution file properly.