Problem in install Mantid 6.6.0 environment on Windows-10

Hi, there.
I am installing the Mantid 6.6.0 python version from conda. I’ve created a new enviroment “py38” with python=3.8, matplotlib=3.5.2. then using “conda install -c mantid mantid” to install mantid package in py38 env, however, it does’s work, and get the same error msg like “Problem in installing Mantid environment on Windows - #7 by fengex10

Fellowed Tom’s suggestions, I use mamba to detect the dependencies of mantid conda installation, I installed several packages, but mantid still donesn’t work. It seems some modules was broken. A new installation of mantid-6.5.0 in a new environment proved it. When I install one of the dependencies, it will change the previously installed packages.

Do any one has the details of conda installation method, and the list of the requirement, as well as the steps that which dependency should be installed firstly?


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Hi Erxi,

You don’t need to install any of the dependencies yourself, this will by done automatically by conda when you install the mantid package. I have just tried the following and found it to work without any issues:

  1. Install mambaforge from here:
    GitHub - conda-forge/miniforge: A conda-forge distribution.
  2. Using the “Miniforge prompt” create a new empty environment and give it any name you want, preferably something descriptive. I have gone with “mantid_6.6”:
    conda create -n mantid_6.6
  3. Activate the environment:
    conda activate mantid_6.6
  4. Install mantid into the environment using mamba, rather than conda. Mamba does a much better job of resolving the dependency tree:
    mamba install -c mantid mantid
  5. Install jupyter notebook into the environment:
    mamba install notebook
  6. Run jupyter notebook with:
    jupyter notebook

When I create a new notebook, I can successfully import from mantid:

Let me know if this works for you.


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Hi Tom

It works now. Thank you very much!
