Q1D: Attempt to dereference zero pointer (shape) in function ComponentInfo::solidAngle

I tried to reduce the Mcstas generated data mccode.h5 ( templateSANS_Mantid.instr ) in MantidPlot with a python script. I followed the steps in this link:

but it failed, and i have tried this on SL-7.6 and windows7 os, both gave the same error:
RuntimeError: Q1D: error (see log)
at line 20 in ‘E:/Mcstas_Project/mantid_test2/templateSANS_Mantid_20190217_110548/test2.py’
caused by line 1096 in ‘E:\MantidInstall\bin\mantid\simpleapi.py’

the log shows:
CreateWorkspace successful, Duration 0.00 seconds
Unlocking monitor
Q1D started
Algorithm: Q1D v2
Execution Date: 2019-Feb-17 03:48:54
Execution Duration: -1 seconds
Name: DetBankWorkspace, Value: sample, Default?: No, Direction: Input
Name: OutputWorkspace, Value: Iq_1D, Default?: No, Direction: Output
Name: OutputBinning, Value: 0.0035,0.001,0.7, Default?: No, Direction: Input
Name: PixelAdj, Value: , Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Name: WavelengthAdj, Value: monitor, Default?: No, Direction: Input
Name: WavePixelAdj, Value: , Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Name: AccountForGravity, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Name: SolidAngleWeighting, Value: 1, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Name: RadiusCut, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Name: WaveCut, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Name: OutputParts, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Name: ExtraLength, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Name: QResolution, Value: , Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
Read-locking sample
Read-locking monitor
All input workspaces were found to be valid
Q1D: Attempt to dereference zero pointer (shape) in function ComponentInfo::solidAngle

test.py (708 Bytes)