'Sequentily fit all' always work in increasing order of run number, why?

It is unfortunate that the ‘Sequentially Fit All’ function always processes data in increasing order of run numbers, whereas I would like the flexibility to choose a custom order.

The reason for this is that measurements are typically conducted in increasing temperature values, but during analysis, we often prefer to fit the data in decreasing temperature order. Additionally, there are cases where we need to fit specific run numbers that do not follow a well-defined sequential pattern.

Therefore, it would be highly beneficial if the ‘Sequentially Fit All’ window allowed users to manually arrange the run numbers in a desired order, enabling step-by-step fitting according to individual preferences.

Thank you for considering this suggestion.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Which interface are you using the Sequentially Fit All function on? Just so that the suggestion can go to the right Facility and Team.

all the best


I am using it to fit ‘Muon Data’ obtained at HiFi instrument, ISIS.

I am on Windows system, and using Mantid version 6.11.0

Thanks. I’ve added this feature request to GitHub at Improve Sequentially Fit All in Muon Data · Issue #38798 · mantidproject/mantid · GitHub .