Support for monochromatic SANS

Dear all,

I was wondering if Mantid can be used to reduce simple monochromatic SANS experiments, say using measurement data in the NXsas-variety of NeXuS files or an equivalent. Looking at the documentation and the various examples, it appears to me that NXtofraw-class NeXuS files are required and a TOF setting is typically assumed. Is there a way to just use raw detector counts as a starting point in SANS reduction?

For context, I am developing reduction code for the new SANS instrument at the TU Delft Reactor Institute.

Thank you in advance!


Mantid is used for monochromatic SANS experiments at the ILL, and the entry point for their reduction code is SANSILLAutoProcess. I tried to post the link to the documentation page for that algorithm, but the forum software wouldn’t let me, however you’ll find it on the docs page, or you can go to the GitHub repo if you want the source code. At the moment that code is specific to ILL instruments, but perhaps it would be a useful starting point for you?

Best wishes,

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Thank you, this is precisely the sort of example I was looking for