Using Mantid for DAVE Data

New to mantid here, can mantid be used to handle data which have been treated with the DAVE software from NIST?

.dyn DAVE files load the reduced spectrum just fine, however i get log errors when trying to fit such as:

Could not load instrument resolution from parameter file

or in the indirect bayesian analysis window this error after pressing ‘run’:

BayesQuasi started
Sample workspace contains trailing zeros within the energy range.
Updating eMax: eMax = 16.95
Error in execution of algorithm BayesQuasi
Could not find analyser or reflection for workspace filename
** at line 198 in ‘C:/MantidInstall/plugins/python/algorithms\WorkflowAlgorithms\’**
** caused by line 277 in ‘C:/MantidInstall/scripts/Inelastic\’**
Got error from algorithm "BayesQuasi"
Stopping batch algorithm because of execution error

I assume that the DAVE data file was an ascii file containing x,y,e for a series of Q values. The workspace must contain instrument information. Please contact me on with the data files & details of the instrument used.